
  1. 本会は移民政策学会(Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies:JAMPS)と称し、会員の相互協力により、国際的な視野にたって、移民政策の総合的な研究を、理論的、実証的に深め、発展させることを目的とする。
  2. 本会は下記の事業を行う。
    • 年次大会および各季研究大会等の開催
    • 刊行物の発行
    • ウェッブ上の情報の発信や共有
    • その他、本会の目的にふさわしい事業
  3. 本会の会員は、以下の3種とする。
    • 個人会員
    • 団体会員
    • 名誉会員
  4. 本会に下表のとおり役員を置き、同記載の職務を行う。
    役職名 人数 職務
    (1) 会長 1名 本学会を代表する。
    (2) 常任理事 6名 会長を補佐し、必要な職務を分担する。また、会長とともに運営委員会を構成する。
    (3) 理事 25名以内(会長、常任理事、および事務局長を含む。) 理事会を構成する。
    (4) 監事 2名 本会の会計を監査する。
    (5) 事務局長 1名 事務局を司る。
  5. 役員の任期は下記のように定める。
    • 理事及び監事の任期は1期2年とし、再任を妨げない。ただし、連続して再任する場合は2期4年までとする。
    • 会長及び事務局長の任期は通算2期4年までとする。
  6. 役員等選任方法
    • 会長、理事及び監事は前年度までの会費納入者である個人会員の中から、総会において前年度までの会費を納入した個人会員による選挙により選出・承認される。選出・承認の方法は別に定める。
    • 常任理事は、所属分野等を配慮して、理事の中から会長が指名する。
    • 事務局長は理事の中から会長が指名する。
    • 会長は、必要がある場合は、理事会の承認を経て、常任理事の中から会長の職務を代行する者(会長代行)を指名することができる。ただし、死亡、病気、交通途絶、天災等やむを得ない事情により会長が会長代行を指名することができない場合には、理事会の決議によりこれを選任することができる。
  7. 本会に下記の機関を置く。
    • 総会(本会の最高議決機関であり、少なくとも年1回開催する。)
    • 理事会(総会に次ぐ議決機関であり、総会の委任事項を処理する。)
    • 運営委員会(会長、常任理事および事務局長により構成され、必要に応じて随時開催する。運営委員会は理事会で決定された事項を執行する。)
    • 委員会(理事会の下に企画委員会、編集委員会、国際交流委員会、社会連携委員会を置く。)
  8. 本会の経費は、会費、寄付、その他の収入とする。
  9. 個人会員の会費は年額7,000円(学生等は5,000円)とする。団体会員の会費は、一口年額7,000円とする。なお、「学生等」とは、「常勤職にない会員」をさす(日本学術振興会特別研究員その他常勤職にある大学院生は「個人会員」に含まれる。学生の身分をもたず、常勤職にもない場合は、「学生等」に含まれる)。
  10. 会員は理事会の承認を得て退会することができる。
  11. 継続して2年以上会費を滞納した会員は、原則として会員の資格を失うものとする。
  12. 本会の事務局は、会長の委嘱した事務局長の所在地に置く。
  13. 本規約の変更には、「7(1)」の定めにかかわらず、理事会の発議に基づき、総会において出席会員の3分の2以上の同意を要する。
  14. この規約の実施に必要な細則、規程の制定ならびに変更は、運営委員会の発議に基づき、理事会の決定による。

  1. 本規約は2008年5月17日より施行する。
  2. 「3」の規程にかかわらず、2009年3月末までは会員1名の推薦を要しないものとする。「6」および「7(1)」の規程にかかわらず、本会の設立時においては「前年度までの会費納入者」を「総会参加者」と読み替えるものとする。
  3. 「6」および「7(1)」の規程にかかわらず、本会の設立時においては「前年度までの会費納入者」を「総会参加者」と読み替えた上で、総会参加者以外から役員を選出することを妨げないものとする。
  1. 本規約は2009年5月16日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2009年9月26日より施行する。
  1. 本規約は2011年5月21日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2011年5月21日より施行する。
  1. 本規約は2012年5月19日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2012年5月19日より施行する。ただし、規約5項(1)ただし書きにかかる任期及び年数は、2013年度以降を始期とする任期及び年数を算入対象とするものとする。
  1. 本規約は2015年5月30日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2015年5月30日より施行する。
  1. 本規約は2018年5月26日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2018年5月26日より施行する。
  1. 本規約は2019年5月25日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2019年5月25日より施行する。
  1. 本規約は2020年12月12日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 個人会員7,000円は2021年度から施行する。ただし、学生等に対する会費の 適用は2023年度から施行する。
  1. 本規約は2021年5月29日をもって一部改正する。
  2. 改正後の規約は2021年5月29日より施行する。

移民政策学会 ハラスメント規程


(1) ハラスメント

(2) セクシュアル・ハラスメント


(3) アカデミック・ハラスメント


(4) パワー・ハラスメント


(5) 妊娠・出産・育児休業・介護休業等に関するハラスメント

2 ハラスメント行為者が本学会の会員であるときは、本学会が適切な措置を講じる。また、ハラスメント行為者が本学会以外の者であるときは、その者が所属する団体あるいは 組織などに対し、必要な措置をとることを求める。


2 委員が委員会において審議する事案に関係するものである場合には、当該委員はかかる審議には参加しない。委員長が当該事案に関係するものである場合には、委員の互選により臨時委員長を選出する。
3 ハラスメント事案が発生し、またはその可能性が高いと判断される場合、委員会は当該事案の調査を行い、当学会として対応すべきハラスメント事案であると判断した場合には、加害者とされる者への諭旨、所属機関への通報、再発防止措置の実施等、しかるべく対処する。
4 前2項の場合その他委員会が必要と判断した場合、委員会は、以下の措置をとることができる。


2 委員等は、任務に関連して知り得た関係者の個人情報(「個人情報の取扱いに関する法律」の定義による。)について守秘義務を負い、これを委員等の任務の遂行に必要な範囲を超えて使用してはならず、また、法令、任務の遂行上の必要性等の正当な理由がある場合を除き、これを第三者に開示してはならない。


附則 本規程は、2023年5月27日から施行する。

Constitution of the Association

  1. This Association shall be named the “Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS)”; its objective being the promotion from an international perspective of comprehensive research on migration policies, based upon theoretical and practical studies, through mutual cooperation amongst its members.
  2. The Association shall carry out the following activities;
    1. Organisation of annual and seasonal conferences;
    2. Publication of journal and printed matter;
    3. Dissemination and sharing of information on the Web; and
    4. Other activities appropriate to the objectives of the Association.
  3. Members of the Association shall comprise individuals (hereinafter "individual members") and public organisations (hereinafter "organisation members"), who support the Constitution and are approved by the Executive Board upon the recommendation of one member of the Association. Organisation members shall acquire the same rights and obligations as individual members, as based on membership numbers. (However, organisation members will not possess the right to vote for, or stand for election as a member of the Executive Board.)
  4. The Executive Board, as specified in the table below, shall be appointed to the Association, and perform the stipulated duties;
    TitleNumber of PersonsDuties
    (1)PresidentOneRepresent the Association.
    (2)Executive Officers Six maximum Assist the President, dividing duties as necessary. Together with the President,form the Steering Committee.
    (3)Executive Committee MembersTwenty-five maximum (including President, Executive Officers, and Secretary)Form the Executive Committee
    (4)AuditorsTwoAudit the finances of the Association
    (5)SecretaryOneManage the Secretariat
  5. Terms of office for the Executive Board shall be as follows;
    1. Executive committee members and auditors shall hold office for one term, with one term being set at two years. Reappointment is permissible; however, consecutive appointments shall be limited to a maximum of two terms, that is, four years.
    2. The President and Secretary shall hold office for a maximum of two terms, four years in aggregate.
  6. Election of the Executive Board
    1. The President, Executive Committee Members, and Auditors shall comprise individual members, having duly paid membership fees up to and including the preceding fiscal year, who are elected and approved at General Assembly meetings by individual members, who have duly paid membership fees up to and including the preceding fiscal year. The method of election and approval shall be stipulated separately.
    2. Executive Officers shall be appointed from amongst Executive Committee Members by the President, with consideration given to their area of specialisation.
    3. The Secretary shall by appointed by the President from amongst the Executive Committee Members.
    4. The President, where necessary, and with the approval of the Executive Committee Members, may appoint a person from amongst the Executive Officers to execute the President’s duties (Acting President). However, where, on grounds of death, illness, disruption of transportation, natural disaster, or other unavoidable circumstances, the President is unable to appoint an Acting President, this selection may be made through an Executive Board resolution.
  7. The Association shall comprise the following sub-bodies;
    1. General Assembly (supreme decision-making organ of the Association, which shall convene at least once a year): Unless otherwise specified, resolutions shall be passed by the simple majority of members present at General Assembly meetings. Individual members of the Association who have duly paid membership fees up to and including the preceding fiscal year shall be eligible to vote and stand for election.
    2. Executive Committee: Decision-making organ secondary to the General Assembly, performing tasks entrusted to it by the General Assembly.
    3. Steering Committee: Consisting of the President, Executive Officers and Secretary, convened as necessary. The Steering Committee shall implement matters decided by the Executive Committee.
    4. Sub-Committees: Planning, Editorial, and International Exchange Committees and Committee for Community Relations shall be established under the Executive Committee. Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President from amongst Executive Officers. Committee Members shall be nominated by the Chairpersons from amongst Executive Committee Members or other Association Members, and appointed by the President. Other Committees may be established as necessary. Regulations pertaining to each Committee shall be stipulated separately.
  8. The Association’s operational expenses shall be derived from membership fees, donations and other miscellaneous income.
  9. The annual membership fee for individual members shall be set at JPY 7,000 (JPY 5,000 for students et alia). The annual membership fee for organisation members shall be set at JPY 7,000 per share. “Students et alia” refers to members who are not in full-time employment. (Graduate students holding JSPS Research Fellowships or other full-time employment shall be regarded as “individual members”. Members holding neither student status nor full-time employment will be regarded as “students et alia”.)
  10. Members may withdraw from the Association upon approval by the Executive Committee.
  11. In principle, members who fail to pay the membership fee for two consecutive years shall lose their membership status.
  12. The Association’s Secretariat shall be located at the address of an Executive Member as designated by the President.
  13. Notwithstanding article 7(1), any amendment to the Constitution shall be based on a proposal by the Executive Committee, and shall require approval by at least two-thirds of Members attending the General Assembly meeting.
  14. The setting forth of detailed regulations, as well as incorporation or amendment of articles as deemed necessary for the enforcement of the Constitution, shall be based upon a proposal by the Steering Committee, and enacted through the decision of the Executive Committee.

Supplementary Provisions, 17 May 2008
  1. This Constitution shall be effective as of 17 May 2008.
  2. Notwithstanding Article 3, recommendation by a Member shall not be required until the end of March 2009. Notwithstanding Articles 6 and 7(1), with respect to the time of establishment of the Association, “those who have duly paid membership fees up to and including the preceding fiscal year” shall be read as “those who attend the General Assembly meeting”.
  3. Notwithstanding Articles 6 and 7(1) and, with respect to the time of establishment of the Association, having read “those who have duly paid membership fees up to and including the preceding fiscal year” as “those who attend the General Assembly meeting”, Executive Members may be elected from those who cannot attend the General Assembly meeting.
Supplementary Provisions, 16 May 2009
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 16 May 2009.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 26 September 2009.
Supplementary Provisions, 21 May 2011
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 21 May 2011.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 21 May 2011.
Supplementary Provisions, 19 May 2012
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 19 May 2012.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 19 May 2012. However, article 5(1), pertaining to terms and years of office, shall be applicable to terms and years of office commencing from FY 2013 onwards.
Supplementary Provisions, 30 May 2015
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 30 May 2015.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 30 May 2015.
Supplementary Provisions, 26 May 2018
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 26 May 2018.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 26 May 2018.
Supplementary Provisions, 25 May 2019
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 25 May 2019.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 25 May 2019.
Supplementary Provisions, 12 December 2020
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 12 December 2020.
  2. The revision of the annual membership fee to JPY 7,000 for individual members will be effective from FY 2021. The revision of the annual membership to JPY 5,000 for students et alia will be effective from FY 2023.
Supplementary Provisions, 29 May 2021
  1. This Constitution shall be partially amended as of 29 May 2021.
  2. Following amendment, the Constitution will be effective as of 29 May 2021.

Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies
Anti-Harassment Policy

Article 1 (Purpose)
The Policy is established to prevent harassment (as defined in Article 2) pertaining to the Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (hereinafter referred to as "the Association"), thereby protecting the dignity and human rights of the members of the Association and those associated with them (hereinafter referred to as "Members, etc."), maintaining a free and secure environment without discrimination in research, education, and Association administrative activities (hereinafter referred to as "activities").

Article 2 (Definitions)
(1) Harassment
Harassment as used in this Policy means sexual harassment, academic harassment, power harassment, harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, nursing care leave, etc., as well as other inappropriate language or behavior that goes against the will of the other party with regard to gender, social status, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation/identification, or physical or mental disability, including the act of revealing sensitive personal information about them to a third party without obtaining the consent of the other party.

(2) Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment as defined in the Policy refers to any sexual conduct or behavior that offends another person, or any conduct or behavior that causes a disadvantage to the other person in terms of activities or a significant adverse mental or physical effect on the other person. This applies not only to words or actions toward the opposite sex, but also to words or actions toward the same sex. The above-mentioned words and deeds toward the person who is the object of the act (hereinafter referred to as "the victim") are also covered, regardless of the sexual orientation or gender identity of the other party. The following words and deeds are included in this category.

Asking about sexual circumstances, seeking sexual relations, making sexual conversation, jokes, or acts, spreading sexual rumors, openly placing, transmitting, or delivering obscene documents, photographs, or other sexual information, or touching a person unnecessarily.
Sexual language or behavior that makes the environment uncomfortable, adversely affects the individual's ability to exercise his/her abilities, or offends his/her dignity.
Causing disadvantage to another person because of his/her response to sexual language or behavior.
Making fun of one's sexual orientation or identity to make the other person feel uncomfortable.

(3) Academic harassment
Academic harassment as defined in the Policy is any behavior or conduct that offends the character and dignity of another person or causes disadvantage or discomfort to another person, based on the person's position or relationship to the activities of the person. The following behaviors are included in this definition.

To say or do anything that is unreasonably offensive to character and dignity, to act or speak deceitfully, to cause significant anxiety, or to be extremely inappropriate in any other similar way.
Making the environment unpleasant, adversely affecting the individual's ability to exercise his/her abilities, or injuring the individual's dignity through the words or deeds mentioned in (i) and similar words or deeds.
Interfering with the freedom of an individual in an activity or causing disadvantages in an activity-related relationship with an unreasonable purpose.

(4) Power Harassment
Power harassment as defined in the Policy means taking advantage of one's position or authority, using words or actions that offend the personality and dignity of the other party, deteriorate the environment of an activity, or cause disadvantage or discomfort to the other party. The following behaviors are included in this definition.

To unfairly disadvantage an individual in terms of appointment or treatment within or outside the Association.
To make the environment unpleasant, to have a negative influence on the individual's ability to exercise his/her abilities, or to injure the individual's personality and dignity.

(5) Harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, family care leave, etc.
Harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, family care leave, etc. as defined in the Policy is defined as any verbal or physical abuse or behavior that interferes with the use of systems or measures related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, or family care, or harassment due to the use of such measures, which causes physical pain, mental pain or disadvantage to the other party or makes the environment in which the employee is engaged in activities worse.

Article 3 (Scope of Application)
1 The Policy shall apply to harassment that takes place in connection with the activities of the Association, regardless of whether the harasser or the victim is a member of the Association or not.
2 If the harasser is a member of the Association, the Association shall take appropriate measures. If the harasser is not a member of the Association, the Association shall request the group or organization to which the harasser belongs to take necessary measures.

Article 4 (Role of the Steering Committee)
1. The Management Committee of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") shall conduct the following activities for the prevention of harassment in accordance with the Policy.

Matters concerning consultation and investigation of harassment
Matters related to relief measures for victims of harassment
Matters related to the handling of perpetrators in the event of a harassment case
Other matters related to handling harassment cases at the Association.
2. If a member of the Committee is connected to a matter to be deliberated by the Committee, he/she shall not participate in such deliberation. If the chairperson is involved in the matter, a temporary chairperson shall be elected by the committee members from among themselves.
3. If a case of harassment occurs or is deemed highly likely to have occured, the Committee will investigate the case, and if it is determined that the case is a harassment case that should be addressed by the Association, the Committee will take appropriate action, such as admonishing the alleged harasser, reporting the case to the organization to which the alleged harasser belongs, and implementing measures to prevent recurrence.
4. In the cases described in the preceding two paragraphs, or as otherwise deemed necessary by the Committee, the Committee may take the following actions
To commission all or part of the duties of investigation, consultation, etc. to a specific member or members other than the committee members, or to request cooperation from outside experts and specialists.
Establishing an investigation committee for a specific case.

Article 5 (Prohibition of Detrimental Treatment)
No person affiliated with the Association shall treat disadvantageously any person who has consulted with or reported an act of harassment, or persons who have cooperated in confirming the facts of a case.

Article 6 (Consideration for Privacy and Confidentiality)
1. Each Committee member, officer of the Association, and any person who has been commissioned by the Committee and involved in the duties of the Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committee members, etc." in this Article) shall, in the performance of their duties, give due consideration to the honor and privacy of victims and other persons concerned.
2. The Committee members, etc. shall be obligated to maintain the confidentiality of personal information (as defined in the "Act on the Handling of Personal Information") of related parties obtained in connection with their duties, shall not use such information beyond the scope necessary for the performance of their duties, and shall not disclose such information to third parties except for justifiable reasons such as legal requirements or out of necessity for the performance of their duties.

Article 7 (Revision and Abolition of the Policy)
The Policy shall be revised or abolished by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Supplementary Provisions
This Policy shall come into effect on May 27, 2023.
