








  1. 神山英子(三重大学)[抄録
  2. 新倉久乃(フェリス女学院大学大学院)[抄録
  3. 山本直子(東京都立大学)[抄録
  4. 王暁音(慶應義塾大学大学院)[抄録


  1. 松岡洋子(岩手大学)[抄録
  2. 大津真実(大阪大学大学院)[抄録
  3. 藤浪海(日本学術振興会特別研究員PD)[抄録


ゲスト:本針和幸氏(出入国在留管理庁 難民認定室長)


国際セッション [Abstract] (英語)

GREEN, David (Nagoya University)
SAEKI, Yasutaka (Osaka University)
MILLY, Deborah (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
TSUDA, Yolanda (Kobe College)

  1. DUANGKAEW, Sutpratana (Mahidol University) and TANGCHITNUSOR, Kanokwan (Chulalongkorn University)
    Migration and Shukatsu: Japanese Individual Strategies in the Third Age and Beyond
  2. MILLER, Russell (The University of Tokyo)
    Mental Well-being among International Migrants in Japan: Barriers, Facilitators and the Impact of COVID-19
  3. MURAMATSU, Hideo (Utsunomiya University) and ISHII, Daiichiro (Utsunomiya University)
    The Value Consciousness Constructs of Immigrants (Permanent Foreign Residents) Living in Utsunomiya City, Japan


  1. 前畑優月(兵庫県立国際高等学校)
  2. 金井達也(筑波大学)
    コロナ時代の留学生支援を考える:筑波大学の新型コロナに挑む「知」活用プ ロジェクトの一事例
  3. 清谷典子(国際移住機関)


司会 小川玲子(千葉大学)


  1. 高畑幸(静岡県立大学)「興行労働者から祖母へ―在日フィリピン人女性の30年」
  2. 田中雅子(上智大学)「稼ぎ手としての『家族滞在』者:コロナ禍の在日ネパール人にみる支援制度の課題」
  3. 阿部温子(桜美林大学)「シティズンシップの制度的剥奪?―家事労働と移民を鍵に考える」









JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2020 Winter Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation in the International Session at this conference should refer to the file below. Language used at the session is English. All applications will be reviewed by International Affairs Committee.

*The JAMPS 2020 Winter Conference will be conducted in an online format.


Date: Saturday, December 12, 2020
Time: 13:00~15:00 (tentative)
Venue: Online (Link and instructions to be announced later.)

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Saturday, September 26, 2020.
Please refer to the following file for details.
The Secretariat reserves the right to amend English title, if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines










2020年度年次大会 社会連携セッション中止のお知らせ



2020年度年次大会 参加申し込み方法のご案内






(運営協力:慶應義塾大学大学院 塩原良和研究会)





10:00~12:00 国際セッション [Abstract]

  1. “Why do Cambodian Technical Intern Trainees Flee from their Workplaces in Japan?”
    CHHOUR, Phengse (Hosei University)
  2. How Illegal Foreign Workers Enter and Remain in Vietnam
    NGUYEN, Thi Thu Trang (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
  3. Foreign Trainees as Foreign Talent: Local and National Policies towards Migrant Labour in Japan
    TIAN, Yunchen (Johns Hopkins University)
  4. The Political History of Refugee Protection Policy in Japan before 1981
    TSUCHIDA, Chiaki (Tokyo University)

14:00~15:00 総会

15:30~17:30 特別セッション




  1. 人の移動の政治理論とは何か:国境開放論争をこえて
  2. 移民出稼ぎの政治理論:移住労働者の行為主体性とライフ・プランの受容をめぐって
    宮井健志 (日本国際問題研究所研究員)
  3. 国籍の規範的政治理論と日本の国籍法:旧植民地出身者の届出による国籍取得案をめぐる論争を手がかりとして




10:00~13:00 自由報告Ⅰ

  1. ベトナム人留学生とコミュニティの特徴
  2. アイスランドの移民政策と中国新移民の移住パターンの変化[抄録
    金 京(名古屋大学大学院)
  3. インドネシア人技能実習生の期待と現実
    ワオデ ハニファー イスティコマー(一橋大学大学院)
  4. 在日外国籍住民の政治的参加を補完する市民社会の役割に関する一研究

13:30~15:00 社会連携セッション

  1. 日本の観光地におけるハラール食品の普及に関する事例研究
  2. 日本における外国人児童・生徒の義務教育支援のあり方についての考察
    谷本 楓(兵庫県立国際高等学校)
  3. 海外生活の中で維持されるアイデンティティの事例研究

15:30~18:00 自由報告Ⅱ

  1. 外国人義務教育未修了者と夜間中学の役割
  2. 日本における無国籍に関する大学教育[抄録
  3. 国際結婚移住女性の主体性と生活戦略についての考察[抄録
    郭 笑蕾(慶應義塾大学大学院)
  4. 日本のソーシャルメディア利用者の対「外国人」感情



  • 例年実施している「特別企画」「ミニシンポジウム」「シンポジウム」は中止となります。
  • 「自由報告」および「総会」については、オンライン形式で5月23・24日に開催します。
  • 「国際セッション」「社会連携セッション」については、やはりオンライン形式での5月23・24日の開催を検討しています。




The 2020 Winter Conference

Organized by Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS)

Time and Date:
10:00-18:00 Saturday, 12 December 2020

Venue: Online

Participation Fee:
Members of JAMPS: Free of Charge
*Only JAMPS members are eligible to attend.

*Details on how to apply for and participate in the conference will be announced on the JAMPS mailing list by the end of October.



Free Presentations 1 (Japanese)
Chair: SHIBUYA, Tsutomu (Chukyo University)

  1. KAMIYAMA, Hideko (Mie University) [Abstract]
    Questions about the Foreign Technical Intern Training System: Oyster Farming in Mie Prefecture
  2. NIIKURA, Hisano (Division of Humanities and Communication Studies, Ferris University) [Abstract]
    Thai Female Entrepreneurs in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Factors That Exclude Them from Public Support for Entrepreneurs
  3. YAMAMOTO, Naoko (Tokyo Metropolitan University) [Abstract]
    Child Poverty among Immigrant Children in Japan
  4. WANG, Xiaoyin (Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University) [Abstract]
    How to Attract Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Case Study of Chinese International Migration

Free Presentations 2 (Japanese)
Chair: IKEGAMI, Shigehiro (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)

  1. MATSUOKA, Yoko (Iwate University) [Abstract]
    Liaison Roles in Building Immigrant Inclusive Communities: Considering the case of Germany
  2. OTSU, Mami (Graduate School of Language and Culture, University of Osaka) [Abstract]
    Support for Mothers with a Migrant Background in Germany: A Case Study of Neighbourhood Mothers
  3. FUJINAMI Kai (JSPS Research Fellow PD) [Abstract]
    What is the Aim of Okinawa’s Diaspora Policy?: Examining the Reformation of Ethnicity from a Multiscale Perspective


Interest Group on Refugee Issues
Chair: TAKIZAWA, Saburo (Toyo Eiwa University)
Guest Speaker: MOTOHARI, Kazuyuki (Chief, Refugee Status Determination Unit, Immigration Service Agency of Japan)


International Session (English) [Abstract]

GREEN, David (Nagoya University)
SAEKI, Yasutaka (Osaka University)
MILLY, Deborah (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
TSUDA, Yolanda (Kobe College)

  1. DUANGKAEW, Sutpratana (Mahidol University) and TANGCHITNUSOR, Kanokwan (Chulalongkorn University)
    Migration and Shukatsu: Japanese Individual Strategies in the Third Age and Beyond
  2. MILLER, Russell (The University of Tokyo)
    Mental Well-being among International Migrants in Japan: Barriers, Facilitators and the Impact of COVID-19
  3. MURAMATSU, Hideo (Utsunomiya University) and ISHII, Daiichiro (Utsunomiya University)
    The Value Consciousness Constructs of Immigrants (Permanent Foreign Residents) Living in Utsunomiya City, Japan

Special Thematic Session for Community Relations (Japanese)
Chair: ISHII, Hiroaki (Japan Association for Refugees)

  1. MAEHATA, Yuzuki (Hyogo Prefectural International High School)
    A Case Study of Identity Maintained in Overseas Life: Focusing on One Indonesian Student
  2. KANAI, Tatsuya(University of Tsukuba)
    Supporting International Students under Covid-19's New Normal: A Case Study from Tsukuba University's Project Employing University Wisdom to Fight Against the Covid-19 Crisis
  3. KIYOTANI, Noriko (International Organization for Migration)
    IOM's Messages to Societies Affected by COVID-19


Symposium (Japanese)
Gender in Immigration Policy

The panel aims to critically revisit Japan’s immigration policy from the gender perspective and examine migrants’ citizenship and integration. Responding to population aging and increasing women’s labor force participation, migrants’ labor market has expanded from the productive sphere to the reproductive sphere. However, gender inequality in Japan is significant, and the policy initiatives to bring gender equality in the past decades have had minimal impacts. How should we understand migrants’ situation entering into reproductive work while gender inequality is maintained? How does migration policy reflect, maintain, and strengthen the existing gender norms? How does migration policy intersect with existing gender norms, and how does it manifest itself in different contexts? What would be the consequence of migrants’ entry into the precarious labor market under post-Fordism? How do the gendered migration policy and labor market further widen the inequality, and how civil society responds to it? Experts from an interdisciplinary background will discuss how policies may become more inclusive by taking diverse backgrounds into account.

Chair: OGAWA, Reiko (Chiba University)

  1. TAKAHATA, Sachi (University of Shizuoka)
    From Entertainers to Grandmothers: Experiences of Filipino Women in Japan, late-1980's to 2010's
  2. TANAKA, Masako (Sophia University/Information Dissemination Network for Nepalese Migrants in Japan)
    "Dependents" but Breadwinners: Limitations of Social Protection Schemes for Nepalese Migrants in Japan under the COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. ABE, Atsuko (J. F. Oberlin University)
    Citizenship and Domestic Labour: Structural Disenfranchisement for Migrant Domestic Workers

MILLY, Deborah J. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
HOSOKI, Ralph Ittonen (Sophia University)


General Assembly Meeting

【The Executive Committee】
11, December (Fri.) 19:00-21:00 (Zoom)

【Important Notice】2020 Winter Conference to be held Online

Due to difficulties in securing a venue because of COVID-19 concerns, it has been decided to move the 2020 Winter Conference of Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies, scheduled to take place on December 12 (Saturday), to an online-only format. Details will be announced in due course.

JAMPS 2020 Winter Conference - Call for Paper (International Session)

<International Session (in English)>

JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2020 Winter Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation in the International Session at this conference should refer to the file below. Language used at the session is English. All applications will be reviewed by International Affairs Committee.

*The JAMPS 2020 Winter Conference will be conducted in an online format.


Date: Saturday, December 12, 2020
Time: 13:00~15:00 (tentative)
Venue: Online (Link and instructions to be announced later.)

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Saturday, September 26, 2020.
Please refer to the following file for details.
The Secretariat reserves the right to amend English title, if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

Cancellation of the Special Thematic Session for Community Relations (The 2020 Annual Conference)

Due to the circumstances of the presenters, the Special Thematic Session for Community Relations, scheduled on May 24, has been cancelled.

JAMPS will contact those members who have already applied for this session soon.

Registering for the 2020 Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS)

Only members of the Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies are eligible to participate in the JAMPS 2020 Annual Conference (online).
Details on how to apply for the conference will be announced at the end of April via the JAMPS members’ mailing list. If you do not receive an e -mail, please contact our administrative desk.

The 2020 Annual Conference

Organized by:
Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS)

Time and Date
10:00-17:30 Saturday, 23 May 2020
10:00-18:00 Sunday, 24 May 2020

Venue: Online
*Facilitated by SHIOBARA Yoshikazu Seminar, Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University

Participation Fee:
Members of JAMPS: Free of Charge
*Only JAMPS members are eligible to attend.

*Details on how to apply for and participate in the conference will be announced on the JAMPS website and mailing list by the end of April.

◆◆◆ Programme ◆◆◆

23 May (Sat.)

International Session (English)
Chair: SAEKI, Yasutaka (Osaka University)

  1. “Why do Cambodian Technical Intern Trainees Flee from their Workplaces in Japan?”
    CHHOUR, Phengse (Hosei University)
  2. How Illegal Foreign Workers Enter and Remain in Vietnam
    NGUYEN, Thi Thu Trang (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
  3. Foreign Trainees as Foreign Talent: Local and National Policies towards Migrant Labour in Japan
    TIAN, Yunchen (Johns Hopkins University)
  4. The Political History of Refugee Protection Policy in Japan before 1981
    TSUCHIDA, Chiaki (Tokyo University)

General Assembly Meeting

*Information on how to distribute the materials will be announced in the Member ML.

Special Thematic Session

Thinking about the Legitimacy of Immigration Policy: Issues from Political Theories of Migration

  1. Examining the Political Theory of Migration: Beyond the Open Borders Debate
    KISHIMI Taichi (Institute for Research in Contemporary Political and Economic Affairs, Waseda University)
  2. Justice in Temporary Labour Migration: Accommodating Migrants' Agency and Life Plans
    MIYAI Takeshi (Japan Institute of International Affairs)
  3. Normative Theory of Nationality and Japanese Nationality Law: With Reference to the Debate on the Introduction of Nationality Acquisition via Notification as Regards Former Colonial Subjects in Japan and Their Descendants
    SHIBATA Atsuhiko (Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)

NISHIHARA Kazuhisa (Seijo University)

【The Executive Committee】
May 23 (Sat.) 12:30-13:30

May 24 (Sun.)

Free Presentations 1 (Japanese)

Chair: OGAWA, Reiko (Chiba University)

  1. Characteristics of Vietnamese Students and Their Communities in Japan: A Comparison with Chinese Students[Abstract
    SATO, Yuriko (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  2. Immigration Policy of Iceland and the Changes in Migration Patterns of New Chinese Immigrants[Abstract
    JIN, Jing (Nagoya University)
  3. Expectation and Reality of Indonesian Technical Intern Trainees: Migration within the Indonesia – Japanese Technical Intern Training Program[Abstract
    Waode Hanifah Istiqomah (Hitotsubashi University)
  4. A Study about the Roles of Civil Society in Complementing the Political Participation of Foreign Residents in Japan: A Case Study of NGO “Kumusutaka- Association for Living Together with Migrants”[Abstract
    MOMOSE, Keigo (Rikkyo University)

Special Thematic Session for Community Relations (Japanese)

Presentations of High School students: Hyogo Prefectural International High School
Chair: ISHII, Hiroaki (Japan Association for Refugees)

  1. A Case Study on the Spread of Halal Foods in Japanese Tourist Destinations: Focusing on Kobe's Nankinmachi
    IWAASA, Ayana
  2. A Study on the Compulsory Education of Foreign Children and Students in Japan: Focusing on the Hyogo Prefectural Multicultural Center for Children
    TANIMOTO, Kaede
  3. A Case Study of Identity Maintained in Overseas Life: Focusing on One Indonesian Student
    MAEHATA, Yuzuki

Free Presentations 2 (Japanese)

Chair: KOJI, Junichiro (Hokkaido University of Education)

  1. Foreigners who Have not Completed Compulsory Education and the Significance of Evening Junior High School: Japanese Language Education as a Social Safety Net[Abstract
    MIYAZAKI, Satoshi (Waseda University)
  2. Education on Statelessness at Universities in Japan[Abstract
    MITANI, Junko (University of Tokyo)
  3. “Agency” and Life Strategies of International Marriage Migrant Women[Abstract
    GUO, Xiaolei (Keio University)
  4. Sentiment toward “Foreigners” among Twitter Users in Japan: A Japanese-text Sentiment Analysis using the Machine Leaning Model[Abstract
    OMOYA, Yuka (University of Tsukuba)

【IMPORTANT NOTICE】JAMPS 2020 Annual Conference to be held Online

The JAMPS 2020 Annual Conference, scheduled to take place on Saturday May 23 to Sunday, May 24, will have part of its programme cancelled, with the remaining part being conducted in an online format. The conference will no longer be held at Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate Campus.

Regular features of the Conference, such as the Special Session, Mini-Symposium, and Symposium have been cancelled. The Free Presentations and General Assembly will be held online on May 23 and 24. Whether to also hold the International Session and Special Thematic Session for Community Relations online on May 23 and 24 is currently being deliberated.

JAMPS members will be able to listen to, as well as ask questions and make comments on the presentations via the Internet, either at home or at their workplace. The actual programme to be offered online, as well as details vis-à-vis online access and participation, will be announced at the beginning of April.

This change to the content of the JAMPS Annual Conference has been made to avoid confusion and prevent the occurrence of any unforeseen developments arising from the spread of COVID-19. We apologise for any inconvenience, and ask for your co-operation in enabling the Conference to take place online.

2020 Special Spring Conference

Cancellation of the 2020 Special Spring Conference

The Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS) hereby cancels the Special Spring Conference, planned to be held on March 21, 2020.

  • On February 25, in response to the spread of novel coronavirus, the Government of Japan announced a basic policy requesting that the staging of public events be reconsidered.
  • On the same day, the President of Waseda University, the proposed venue of the conference, issued a letter requesting that events with more than 30 participants be refrained from until March 24.

The conference has been cancelled based on the above reasons. As the JAMPS Annual Conference is expected to be held in May 2020, it has been decided to cancel rather than postpone this event.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

In March 2020, JAMPS will hold a Special Spring Conference. Almost one year has passed since the enforcement of the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (ICRRA), and this onference will offer an opportunity to reflect on current developments. We look forward to your participation.

Time and Date:
10:00-17:00 Saturday, March 21, 2020

Waseda University (Waseda Campus)
   Room 101, 1F, Building 14

Access and Campus Map:
Waseda University (Waseda Campus) https://www.waseda.jp/top/en/access/waseda-campus
Campus Map
https://www.waseda.jp/top/en/assets/uploads/2014/08/ 75fbe93c96f198b17f2f294320b48990.pdf

Participation Fee:
Members: Free of Charge
Non-members: ¥1,000 (Students ¥500)


10:00-12:00 Mini-Symposium
Thinking about the Legitimacy of Immigration Policy: Issues from Political Theories of Migration


Examining the Political Theory of Migration: Beyond the Open Borders Debate
KISHIMI Taichi (Institute for Research in Contemporary Political and Economic Affairs, Waseda University)

Justice in Temporary Labour Migration: Accommodating Migrants' Agency and Life Plans
MIYAI Takeshi (Japan Institute of International Affairs)

Normative Theory of Nationality and Japanese Nationality Law: With Reference to the Debate on the Introduction of Nationality Acquisition via Notification as Regards Former Colonial Subjects in Japan and Their Descendants
SHIBATA Atsuhiko (Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)

NISHIHARA Kazuhisa (Seijo University)

13:00-17:00 Main Symposium
Examining the Revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act One Year down the Road

IKEGAMI Shigehiro (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)

FUKUHARA Nobuko (Immigration Services Agency, Policy Division)
KIKUCHI Akiyoshi (Director of the Sendai Multicultural Center (SenTIA))
HATATE Akira (Japan Civil Liberties Union(JCLU))
KIM Boong Ang (Korea NGO Center)
TAKIZAWA Saburo (Tokyo Eiwa University)

DOI Yoshihiko (Resource Center for Multicultural Community Tokai) will join the discussion, instead of KIKUCHI Akiyoshi.

Extraordinary Executive Committee
Time: 12:00-13:00
Venue: Room 1060, 10F, Building 14

JAMPS 2020 Annual Conference - Call for Paper (International Session)

<International Session (in English)>

JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2020 Annual Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation in the International Session at this conference should refer to the file below. Language used at the session is English. All applications will be reviewed by International Affairs Committee.


Date: Saturday, May 23, 2020
Time: 10:00~12:00 (tentative)
Venue: Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate Campus

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Saturday, March 7, 2020.
Please refer to the following file for details.
The Secretariat reserves the right to amend English title, if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines
