

  • 難民条約の趣旨に基づき難民認定制度を運用すること
  • 難民申請中の就労の権利を過剰に制約するべきではないこと
  • 難民やそれに類する立場の人々の社会統合政策の整備を進めていくこと


JAMPS 2017 Winter Conference, Symposium short summary

We summarized the presentations and discussion of JAMPS 2017 Winter Conference Symposium 'Reconsideration of the Refugee Policy of Japan: the case of the Nagoya-Tokai area'.

To operate the Refugee Recognition System based on the meaning of the 1951 Refugee Convention.
Not to limit the rights for working of the asylum seekers excessively.
To formulate a social integration policy for refugees and other persons.

Yasuhiro Hitomi (Symposium Coodinater, Nagoya Gakuin University)
